
The gift of artificial intelligence--immortality

 Dating back to the ancient time of China, most of the emperors seek to be immortal by all means but all failed. However, immortality will come true soon thanks to the development of artificial intelligence. On March 21st,2016, Terasem Movement, an organization which aims to promote the development of  digital duplication technology, claimed that robots will be able to carry the thoughts of one who has died and  people will become immortal in this form in 35 years. Besides, an entrepreneur, Martine Rothblatt, has built up a data base including the memory before death, belief as well as thoughts of his wife and put this data base into a robot"Bina48". The result of the test showed that the robot “Bina48”  was able to present the characteristics and thoughts of his wife. With the development of  artificial intelligence, it is not only become a milestone of technology, but solve cases and preserve the valuable thoughts of the great men.
     It is no doubt that immortality coming true will be the milestone of technology. As we all known, cloning technology has been developed from 1963. Up until now, we have been capable to clone anything we want. But now, we will be able to clone not just a "thing" but spirit, which can be considered as the breakthrough of cloning technology. Besides, artificial intelligence has always been regarded as the greatest innovation in human history. Before this new development, artificial intelligence was controlled by human with executing commands. If the data base of human is put into the artificial intelligence, the artificial intelligence will form its own consciousness and know how to "think". Similar with a person, the artificial intelligence has the abilities of communicating, working and complicated thinking. This is expected to the most important step in the history of artificial intelligence technology. Therefore, being immortal is a leap in the progress of cloning technology as well as the artificial intelligence technology.
     When it comes to its application, being immortal also can help police to solve the murder cases. When police inspect a murder case, finding more clues means more possibilities to arrest the murderer. Sometimes, the clues are so little that they are not enough to provide useful information for police to find out the killers. However, this situation will be changed if people can be immortal in the form of artificial intelligence. Since the thoughts and memory will be preserved into the artificial intelligence, the victim can be "reborn". That means the data base can tell all the details of the process of being murdered. Even after 100 years, these memories will not be destroyed. Thanks to these direct evidences provided by the victims, the possibility of arresting the murderers will absolutely increase. Therefore, with the development of artificial intelligence, police will improve their efficiency of  solving crimes.
      Additionally, being immortal can preserve the valuable thoughts of great men. Great men devote all their life to seek the truth but life is always so short that they cannot complete their dreams and die with regret. Undoubtedly, the death of these great men is a grand loss of human treasures. If their thoughts can be immortal, the later generation can follow their thoughts to finish missions, which contributes to the development of society. For instance, in 1955, the death of Albert Einstein, one of the greatest scientists in  the 20th century, stirred up scientific community. At that time, the occasion was so uncontrolled that it seemed like the death date of a seer. If the views of Einstein can be immortal, more and more innovations will be created and he can provide more useful knowledge and information for the later generation. Thanks to this technology, great thoughts of the great men can be preserved and learned by the descendants.
    As a milestone of future technology, being immortal will make a contribution to the whole society since it can help the police to solve cases and preserve the thoughts of the great men. If this technology can really be practiced grandly after 35 years, it is believed that human will step into a new world without death and the development of the artificial intelligence will reach an entirely new level. 

