
The most important step for sustainable future

  So far, there have been thousands of articles which aim to appeal people to protect environment with a sustainable way. Furthermore, to deal with environmental issues, socialists and scientists have put forward enforceable solutions from various aspects.Sadly, although people know how severe the issues are and how to deal with them, few people put them into practice. From my perspectives, what the most important things for sustainable future is not dozens of articles or public service advertising or verbal warning but to arouse people's consciousness radically. To achieve this, governments should carry out more tough punishments on environmental misconduct and authors should create works which are closer to our real life.
    In order to be sustainable, governments are supposed to conduct more compulsory punishments on the acts of destructing ecosystem. Since selfishness and laziness are instincts of humanity, people are used to eluding the duties  and paying more attention to things that are related to personal interests. When people are forced to pay great money for their misconduct, they will instinctively try their best to follow the rules. For instance, Huaxi Town in China is known not only for the wealthy of its residents but also for the sustainable development of ecological environment. One of the reasons for the success of environmental sustainability is the severe punishment system. According to Wu Renbao, the chief official of Huaxi Town, he mentioned that people do not care about the slight punishment if residents just need to pay 2 dollars for their acts of destroying  environment. Instead of verbal warning and lightly punishing, he formulated the new rules to restricting the misconducts of people.  Since people have to pay 4000 dollars if they drop litter carelessly, no one dare to litter in the streets. Likewise, to avoid tough punishment, people will obey the rules. Once these behaviors being people's habits or subconsciousness,  the future of sustainability is positive.
   Another way to arouse people's consciousness is to produce articles about harmful consequences closer to our normal life.  We have well known that ice-melting would cause the increase of sea level and climate change. However, we do not really care about these issues. If the climate change gives rise to the continuous high temperatures, we will feel hotter but what we want to respond this problem is just to open the air-conditioner. Similarly, we do not care the increase of sea level since we are not living in an island and we are still safe. As what has mentioned above, people are selfish. I believe that if they know their acts will give rise to the pollution of their local water and everyone in town will be inevitable to drink it, they will not pour the dirty water into their rivers.  Therefore, the sense of danger will encourage people to preserve their environment. Through articles, arousing people's awareness by producing the sense of danger is the most important way to make a sustainable future.
 By the tough punishments and the sense of danger, arousing people's awareness is the most radical method for sustainable future. The first step to remind people of changing their acts is to change their thoughts. While the tough punishment alters the consciousness in a compulsory means, the sense of danger contributes people to convert acts voluntarily. Although different types of solutions have been available, people prefer to ignore their duties to preserve our environment. It is no doubt that most of people, to some extent, are aware of these severe issues and they are told to act in sustainable ways. Unfortunately, it is obviously not enough because people do not really realize what they need to do urgently. Therefore, I insist that the consciousness of people will enhance if the tough punishments are carried out sternly and the sense of fear is presented. Only the consciousness is enough, can the sustainable future become successful.  
  In a conclusion, the most important step is arouse people's consciousness. To achieve that, governments should carry out more tough punishments on environmental misconduct and authors should create works closer to our real life to produce the sense of danger. As what has mentioned above, human are selfish and we never regard environment as our property. Environment has always been considered as a public goods but actually it is the most basic treasure  of human and it belongs to everyone. Therefore, every people ought to be responsible to it. Only this thoughts are rooted in the mind of people, can we see the hope of the sustainable future.

