
The gift of artificial intelligence--immortality

 Dating back to the ancient time of China, most of the emperors seek to be immortal by all means but all failed. However, immortality will come true soon thanks to the development of artificial intelligence. On March 21st,2016, Terasem Movement, an organization which aims to promote the development of  digital duplication technology, claimed that robots will be able to carry the thoughts of one who has died and  people will become immortal in this form in 35 years. Besides, an entrepreneur, Martine Rothblatt, has built up a data base including the memory before death, belief as well as thoughts of his wife and put this data base into a robot"Bina48". The result of the test showed that the robot “Bina48”  was able to present the characteristics and thoughts of his wife. With the development of  artificial intelligence, it is not only become a milestone of technology, but solve cases and preserve the valuable thoughts of the great men.
     It is no doubt that immortality coming true will be the milestone of technology. As we all known, cloning technology has been developed from 1963. Up until now, we have been capable to clone anything we want. But now, we will be able to clone not just a "thing" but spirit, which can be considered as the breakthrough of cloning technology. Besides, artificial intelligence has always been regarded as the greatest innovation in human history. Before this new development, artificial intelligence was controlled by human with executing commands. If the data base of human is put into the artificial intelligence, the artificial intelligence will form its own consciousness and know how to "think". Similar with a person, the artificial intelligence has the abilities of communicating, working and complicated thinking. This is expected to the most important step in the history of artificial intelligence technology. Therefore, being immortal is a leap in the progress of cloning technology as well as the artificial intelligence technology.
     When it comes to its application, being immortal also can help police to solve the murder cases. When police inspect a murder case, finding more clues means more possibilities to arrest the murderer. Sometimes, the clues are so little that they are not enough to provide useful information for police to find out the killers. However, this situation will be changed if people can be immortal in the form of artificial intelligence. Since the thoughts and memory will be preserved into the artificial intelligence, the victim can be "reborn". That means the data base can tell all the details of the process of being murdered. Even after 100 years, these memories will not be destroyed. Thanks to these direct evidences provided by the victims, the possibility of arresting the murderers will absolutely increase. Therefore, with the development of artificial intelligence, police will improve their efficiency of  solving crimes.
      Additionally, being immortal can preserve the valuable thoughts of great men. Great men devote all their life to seek the truth but life is always so short that they cannot complete their dreams and die with regret. Undoubtedly, the death of these great men is a grand loss of human treasures. If their thoughts can be immortal, the later generation can follow their thoughts to finish missions, which contributes to the development of society. For instance, in 1955, the death of Albert Einstein, one of the greatest scientists in  the 20th century, stirred up scientific community. At that time, the occasion was so uncontrolled that it seemed like the death date of a seer. If the views of Einstein can be immortal, more and more innovations will be created and he can provide more useful knowledge and information for the later generation. Thanks to this technology, great thoughts of the great men can be preserved and learned by the descendants.
    As a milestone of future technology, being immortal will make a contribution to the whole society since it can help the police to solve cases and preserve the thoughts of the great men. If this technology can really be practiced grandly after 35 years, it is believed that human will step into a new world without death and the development of the artificial intelligence will reach an entirely new level. 


The most important step for sustainable future

  So far, there have been thousands of articles which aim to appeal people to protect environment with a sustainable way. Furthermore, to deal with environmental issues, socialists and scientists have put forward enforceable solutions from various aspects.Sadly, although people know how severe the issues are and how to deal with them, few people put them into practice. From my perspectives, what the most important things for sustainable future is not dozens of articles or public service advertising or verbal warning but to arouse people's consciousness radically. To achieve this, governments should carry out more tough punishments on environmental misconduct and authors should create works which are closer to our real life.
    In order to be sustainable, governments are supposed to conduct more compulsory punishments on the acts of destructing ecosystem. Since selfishness and laziness are instincts of humanity, people are used to eluding the duties  and paying more attention to things that are related to personal interests. When people are forced to pay great money for their misconduct, they will instinctively try their best to follow the rules. For instance, Huaxi Town in China is known not only for the wealthy of its residents but also for the sustainable development of ecological environment. One of the reasons for the success of environmental sustainability is the severe punishment system. According to Wu Renbao, the chief official of Huaxi Town, he mentioned that people do not care about the slight punishment if residents just need to pay 2 dollars for their acts of destroying  environment. Instead of verbal warning and lightly punishing, he formulated the new rules to restricting the misconducts of people.  Since people have to pay 4000 dollars if they drop litter carelessly, no one dare to litter in the streets. Likewise, to avoid tough punishment, people will obey the rules. Once these behaviors being people's habits or subconsciousness,  the future of sustainability is positive.
   Another way to arouse people's consciousness is to produce articles about harmful consequences closer to our normal life.  We have well known that ice-melting would cause the increase of sea level and climate change. However, we do not really care about these issues. If the climate change gives rise to the continuous high temperatures, we will feel hotter but what we want to respond this problem is just to open the air-conditioner. Similarly, we do not care the increase of sea level since we are not living in an island and we are still safe. As what has mentioned above, people are selfish. I believe that if they know their acts will give rise to the pollution of their local water and everyone in town will be inevitable to drink it, they will not pour the dirty water into their rivers.  Therefore, the sense of danger will encourage people to preserve their environment. Through articles, arousing people's awareness by producing the sense of danger is the most important way to make a sustainable future.
 By the tough punishments and the sense of danger, arousing people's awareness is the most radical method for sustainable future. The first step to remind people of changing their acts is to change their thoughts. While the tough punishment alters the consciousness in a compulsory means, the sense of danger contributes people to convert acts voluntarily. Although different types of solutions have been available, people prefer to ignore their duties to preserve our environment. It is no doubt that most of people, to some extent, are aware of these severe issues and they are told to act in sustainable ways. Unfortunately, it is obviously not enough because people do not really realize what they need to do urgently. Therefore, I insist that the consciousness of people will enhance if the tough punishments are carried out sternly and the sense of fear is presented. Only the consciousness is enough, can the sustainable future become successful.  
  In a conclusion, the most important step is arouse people's consciousness. To achieve that, governments should carry out more tough punishments on environmental misconduct and authors should create works closer to our real life to produce the sense of danger. As what has mentioned above, human are selfish and we never regard environment as our property. Environment has always been considered as a public goods but actually it is the most basic treasure  of human and it belongs to everyone. Therefore, every people ought to be responsible to it. Only this thoughts are rooted in the mind of people, can we see the hope of the sustainable future.


The Majestic Castle, the Intoxicating Dream

  Located in Long Island, dozen of flowers blossoming, the house of Gatsby likes a castle of gothic style with exquisite sculptures. The scenes of the movie The Great Gastby are beyond description. In this majestic castle, it held luxury parties, recording the high-living life of Gatsby, a rising capitalist. Furthermore, the castle of Gatsby is regarded as an significant element of the movie because not only did it present the love between Gatsby and Daisy, but also revealed the fantastic dream of capitalism.

 The castle of Gatsby is the most necessary element of this film because it is considered as a clue of the love between Gatsby and Daisy, his ex-lover as well as a married women. As the beginning of their love line, Gatsby purposely constructed his castle facing with the castle of Daisy's husband across the bay.
Through the French windows, he overlooked and stretched out his hand as if he was tempted to scrap the spot where she was living. They finally confessed their love and carried on a clandestine love affair in the castle of Gatsby, which became the climax of their love. Although they adored each other, human are always selfish and changeful animals. When the funeral of Gatsby was held in his castle, Daisy did not present, which implied the death of their love. Ultimately, the Gatsby's castle buried both their love and himself. These plots cannot happen in any other places because this castle was built for capturing Daisy's heart by Gatsby and eventually become a tomb of their love.

 The other reason is that this castle also revealed the fantastic dream of capitalism. The castle located in Long Island, New York. While the old bourgeois,like Daisy's husband, lived in the "East Egg", the newly rich men, like Gatsby, lived in the "West Egg".At that time, stock reached record peaks and Wall Street boomed in a steady golden market. Therefore, the number of rising capitalist, an unprecedented class, sprouted and they built castle as gorgeous as the old bourgeois did. The castle of Gatsby in the movie is the outcome of the rising capitalist's growth, which actually revealed the newborn American dream. When Gatsby died in his castle, it hinted that the dream has been broken and the drawbacks of capitalism will obstruct American dream coming true. In the movie the castle of Gatsby was compared to the American dream of capitalism. Since it was a meaningful and figurative scene, it is no doubt that the castle is the most significant section of the movie and cannot be replaced.

 The story of The Great Gatsby cannot be set in other spots but in the castle of Gatsby because it threaded the love line throughout the film and indicated the consequence of the dream of rising capitalism. As what has mentioned in the movie, "all the bright, precious things fade so fast. And they don't come back."
The castle of Gatsby, the orgastic future prefers to eludes us. But it doesn't matter because people will run faster and stretch out their arms farther, beating on boats against the current ceaselessly into the past.


Geotourism will Save the Beautiful Heaven_ Tibet

   Tibet, an eminent scenic spots in China, attracts billions of tourism from all over the world each year. With the development of tourist industry, the economy of this area stimulates at top speed. Nevertheless, tourism also brings serious issues to Tibet, such as the environmental problem and the high price of food. In order to solve the environmental problem as well as the price issue and make travel more meaningful, there is no doubt that geotourism is the best alternative for visitors.

   The traditional pattern of tourism in Tibet has caused sever environmental issue, which has made great negative impacts on local people. What is most worth mentioning is the land deterioration. Apart from splendid landscape, Tibet is also known as its valuable herb which is able to build people's body stronger and cure some sickness. Since every traveler is eager to purchase these herbs, it becomes a shortcut for local people to earn more money. Unfortunately, if people want to get these herbs, they have to dig the land and uncover the herbs. The more herbs are sold, the more serious the land deterioration is. According to XinHua News reported, there were 1.2 million people dig the herbs just only in San Jiangyuan Reservation,a small section of Tibet, and people have to destroy 60 square meters field to find out 1 kilogram herbs. If we still stick to the traditional pattern of tourism, the land deterioration will never stop and the environmental issue will be too complicated to be recovered. Therefore, people ought to apply geotourism to deal with the environmental problem with a sustainable approach .  
   Additionally, tourists are force to pay higher price to taste the local food in traditional pattern of tourism but most of the local people are still in poor situation in Tibet. Undoubtedly, travelers have keen interests in local food, like roasted mutton, milk tea and highland barley wine. Lack of information, it is not simple for sightseers to have a chance to taste the food made by local people. As they search famous restaurants via internet, plenty of food shops are available. However, it is not ensured that these shops are serving for authentic local food but what we can sure is that the price are extremely high. Besides, it is reported that most of these restaurants are owned by investors who are not local residents. When travelers stimulate the local economy, the financial situation of local people did not advance as much as we imagined and most of local families are still in poor. For tourists, under the traditional travel pattern, it is unfair that they pay the higher price of food but not actually experience the local food. In view of the disadvantage of traditional pattern, geotourism is believed to a solution of high food price when tourists are served directly by local residents in a proper price. 
    When it comes to the benefits of geotourism, the most outstanding points is that visitors can fully experience the local culture and the real life of local inhabitants, which makes your journey meaningful in Tibet. Obviously, if people do not get full prepared for sightseeing, tourists will just go there to take some photographs without going insight into this scenic place. Compared to traditional pattern tourism, geotourism is in accordance with the define of travel. The meaning of travel is not to visit popular sights as much as you could, but experience its profound traditional culture personally. In the pattern of geotourism, people are not just eat there, sleep there, take photos and then go back home but wander the scenery spots with well-experienced local guides and learn the progress of cooking local food in residential house. In that way, instead of being urge to complete the sightseeing list without further insight , geotourism will provide a memorable sightseeing which remains in tourists mind for good.
    In a conclusion, not only can geotourism solve the environmental issue and high food price issue, but it can provide a meaningful tour for visitors. However, geotourism has not been conducted extensively in Tibet and it is high time that people should pursue this new travel pattern. For governments, they ought to carry out some policies to encourage the growth of geotourism with financial support. In addition, I also suppose that tourists should choose preferred geotourism when they plan to have a trip, which is beneficial to both themselves and local area. Only when geotourism has been practiced widely, can Tibet be saved from the environmental issue and high food price issue. 

Resource :
The website adress of XinHua News:

The landscape of Tibet

The highland barley wine and the food of Tibet

                       The precious herb in Tibet named "DongChongXiaCao"



Hello, it is good to see all of you.

  •   Basic information
My name is Kaixin Deng, an exchanging student, and you can just call me Finana.
I major in English and minor Korean in Sun Yat-sen University. Now, I am going to spend one semester as a junior student in Sungshin Women University.

  • Hometown & Family
I grew up in Guangdong Province, which is next to Hong Kong and Macao.  So I believe that my Cantonese is better than mandarin because we seldom talk with mandarin in Guangdong.      
Besides, Guangdong has long summers which is from April to October. Even in Spring Festival, we can wear skirts and thin sweater since it is so warm. Of course, no snow all year round.

When it comes to my family, I am the only child in my family because of Chinese birth control. Although I did not have a big family, I never feel lonely because I often play with my twin cousins. My father is a banker while my mother is an accountant. They will spend weekends with me if I am at home. 

  • Hobbies
I am keen in shopping, watching films and chatting with friends. I also have learned piano for 3 years and I will practice at home. What`s more, I will do some cleaning when I am upset or stressful so I also regard it as my hobby. 

  • Experience
I have traveled plenty of places in China but I seldom visit foreign countries.  There are some reasons for it. First of all, I am tired with package tours so I prefer to travel personally. But it is not easy to get a visa. Also, we do not have so much energy and time to prepare for a trip because we do not have a long summer or winter holiday and we are always busy with study in China. 

For the sake of substantial campus life, I took a part-time job as a marketing personnel and got an internship in government.  But what impresses me most is the volunteer activity. I have taught some poor children, taken care of the elder and also assist foreigners to carry out  environmental events. I enjoy myself when I give assistance to some one need help.

  • Summary
In the end, I am grateful to meet you guys and Kyle. I ensure that  we will spend a wonderful time in our class. If you have interests or questions about China, I am incredibly willing to share with you. Thank you for reading this and have a nice day.